Darkwood Alpha 6 / [2015]
![Darkwood Alpha 6 / [2015] Darkwood Alpha 6 / [2015]](/_ph/1/2/301518761.jpg)
- Год выпуска:
- Размер: 738,67 Mb
- Категория: для пк (PC) / Alpha/Beta-версия /
- Дата:10.08.2015
полный обзор
Жанр: Экшены, Приключенческие игры, Инди, Ролевые игры, Хоррор
Разработчик: Acid Wizard Studio
Издательство: Acid Wizard Studio
Сайт разработчика: http://www.acidwizardstudio.com/
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Платформа: PC
Системные требования:
OS: Windows Vista or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 4850
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Darkwood - это компьютерная игра в жанре horror, совмещающая в себе элементы ролевой игры и поджанра roguelike. Игрушка разработана Acid Wizard Studio - несколькими ребятами из Польши, решившими, как они сами неоднократно говорили, воплотить в жизнь ужастик "старой школы". То есть сделать так, чтобы игрокам было действительно страшно - до дрожи в коленках. И надо сказать, польским разработчикам-самоучкам это удалось. Darkwood действительно пугает, хотя поначалу и не понимаешь, почему так происходит. Факторов, на самом-то деле, весьма много: взять ту же систему окончательной и бесповоротной смерти (после гибели героя игра начинается заново - жестоко, но таковы особенности roguelike) - ну как тут бояться не будешь. Также не стоит сбрасывать со счетов весьма специфическую камеру, которая висит над головой.
Доп. информация:
Установи играй
Список изменений
Alpha 1.3 Hotfix 2:
• New cursor animation when aiming a melee weapon + info about it in the prologue.
• Night attacks no longer stop after day 5.
• Fixed infestation causing serious lag, especially when burning.
• Hopefully a fix for the filling generator freeze.
• Roads no longer disappear.
Alpha 1.3 Hotfix:
• Hopefully final fix for black screen at the end of chapter 1.
• Fixed player freeze when harvesting mushrooms and moving at the same time.
• Fixed health / stamina upgrades resetting sometimes.
• Wolf dialogue no longer loops infinitely.
• Fixed endless flare burning upon loading game.
Alpha 1.3:
• You can now dismantle barricades which you have created, reclaiming some of the materials used.
• Weapons are more durable now.
• The plank with nails has a new default attack.
• Time passes a little slower.
• Days are longer.
• It's brighter during the day.
• The player moves a little faster, and has a lower movement speed penalty when aiming weapons. Also, no speed penalty when out of stamina.
• Enemies have less stamina, and are a bit less aggressive.
• There is a new visitor during the night.
• You can't brute force padlocks anymore (at least it's much harder).
• Throwing a item (like the molotov cocktail) for a second time requires you to press the RMB again, to help prevent unintentionally dropping it.
• More space for items in your hideout.
• You have some starting reputation with the traders.
• Red and gray potions can be crafted from the start (you don't have to buy the recipes). Their effect is visible instantly.
• NPC in the church sometimes gave the wrong code.
• Wolf reputation sometimes didn't sync.
• Some optimizations for stuttering in the forest.
• Fixed receiving reputation from selling a item when a trader's inventory is full without actually losing the item (and vice versa).
• Recipes are no longer duplicated.
• Fixed player freezing on some occasions.
• You can no longer learn the same recipe twice.
• Fixed infinite item turn in for NPCs exploit.
• Rain was too loud.
• If a well was repaired in the middle of the night, it didn't have any water.
• Fixed huge FPS hit while in the pigsheds.
• Fixed ambient light not saving in some locations.
• You no longer lose your inventory at the end of chapter 1.
• Fixed black screen on end of chapter 1.
• Fixed notes in the journal sometimes leaving a page if you've found too much.
• Fixed beartrap duplicating exploit.
• Fixed incorrectly loaded doors and barricades.
• Fixed not being able to drop a dragged item by pressing LMB if accessed the journal or map.
• Dying outside of the normal world no longer freezes the time.
• Fixed some issues with the cursor.
• Fixed issue when sometimes you could not craft stuff even though you had the required ingredients.
• Item quality no longer changes when loading game.
• Chicken heads and the violin no longer serve as repair kits.
Alpha 1.2:
• Banshees aren't very friendly anymore.
• The Well now heals you.
• Added info about the stuff you lose after dying.
• Added info about reloading flashlight.
• Starting hideout now rotates randomly on new world.
• Some optimizations for CPU.
• Fixed false positive from some anti virus / anti malware apps on Darkwood.exe.
• You can no longer exploit barricade components. If you did this before, you should be ashamed of yourself!
• A "broken" flashlight can now be reloaded with batteries.
• Fixed black screen on closing leveling menu.
• Fixed black screen when traveling to a location outside of the normal world or dreaming / returning from dream.
• Fixed invisible locations.
• Musician's card can no longer be used as a repair kit.
• Fixed player freeze when dragging.
• Fixed player freeze after death.
• Items in inventory no longer reset their amount and durability after ending dream.
• Fixed not closing inventory when having a open container at new day.
• It's no longer darker after some storms.
• Player hideout now should be properly marked on the map.
• Gamma settings text was misleading for some.
• Can no longer disco with the generator.
• Beartraps and broken glass sometimes did not save properly.
• Fixed prices of some items.
• Fixed some missing texts.
• Some other stuff I forgot.

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