The Punisher War Zone mod beta - For Max Payne 2

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- Размер: 206 Mb
- Категория: таблетка/ nodvd/nocd / Спортивные / игровые журналы
- Дата:12.08.2011
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The Punisher War Zone mod beta - для Max Payne 2: the Fall of Max Payne
Название игры: Max Payne 2: the Fall of Max Payne
Год выпуска: 2011
Автор/Разработчик: Mercenaries Company
Тип раздачи: Mods
Версия программы: Beta
Требуемая версия игры: не важно
Язык интерфейса: английский
Требуемый язык игры: не важно
Описание: "Бета-версия нашего мода о Карателе.Это еще не финальный релиз,и работа над проектом продолжится.Все фишки расписаны в рид ми.Нормально работает с включеными шейдерами.для работы необходима игра с ЗАПАКОВАНЫМИ архивами (без папки data) мод содержит полностью переработаный арсенал оружия,переделанный баланс и геймплей,а также больше 35 новых скинов (точное число не помню).Ну и конечно Каратель не был-бы карателем без жестокости.Кровь тут из врагов выливается литрами,у многих врагов появляется кровь на одежде.Также есть зачатки системы экзекуций и недоделаный уровень.Помните это все-го лиш бета,и мы учимся на ходу.
Способ установки:Список изменений / названий карт:

Год выпуска: 2011
Автор/Разработчик: Mercenaries Company
Тип раздачи: Mods
Версия программы: Beta
Требуемая версия игры: не важно
Язык интерфейса: английский
Требуемый язык игры: не важно
Описание: "Бета-версия нашего мода о Карателе.Это еще не финальный релиз,и работа над проектом продолжится.Все фишки расписаны в рид ми.Нормально работает с включеными шейдерами.для работы необходима игра с ЗАПАКОВАНЫМИ архивами (без папки data) мод содержит полностью переработаный арсенал оружия,переделанный баланс и геймплей,а также больше 35 новых скинов (точное число не помню).Ну и конечно Каратель не был-бы карателем без жестокости.Кровь тут из врагов выливается литрами,у многих врагов появляется кровь на одежде.Также есть зачатки системы экзекуций и недоделаный уровень.Помните это все-го лиш бета,и мы учимся на ходу.
Способ установки:
Распакуйте архив в папку с игрой.
Пример C/game/Max Payne 2
Пример C/game/Max Payne 2
1) Some words from developer
2) Features
3) Credits
4) Special Thanks
1) Some words from developers
The Punisher-WarZone mod ,it's a mix of Punisher-WarZone movie,THQ video-game and own ideas.
If you want some content-dont forget crediting,if you still rip other mods without crediting,then Punisher come to you.
Have Fun and remember it's only beta.
2) Features
The Punisher Theme (The Punisher OST)
DjEvs - Punisher Theme Remix (The Punisher Warzone Mod OST)
Bar Theme (The Punisher OST)
This Was No Boating Accident (The Punisher OST)
Grand Nixon Island (The Punisher OST)
I'm Gonna Hit Them Both (The Punisher OST)
Last Call (The Punisher OST)
Run And Run (The Punisher OST)
Castle's Apartment (The Punisher OST)
Castle's Apartment 2 (The Punisher OST)
Apartments of Black Widow (The Punisher OST)
Slipknot - Psychosocial (The Punisher-Warzone movie OST)
-Punisher in shirt
-Punisher wounded
-Punisher in black
-Punisher in Coat
-Punisher in jungle suit
-Punisher WarZone
-Punisher Warzone wuthout armor
-Punisher no Skull
-Frank Castle
-Frank Castle Vietnam
-Black Widow (3 skins)
-Bull's Eye
-Yakuzas (5 models,every model have 7 skins)
-Yakuza Bikers (3 models,every model have 7 skins)
-Yakuza bosses (3 skins)
-Commando (3 skins)
-Commando bosses (2 skins)
-Mercenaries (4 models)
-Gnuichi (5 models)
-S.W.A.T. (3 models)
-Gothgirls (2 models)
-Throwing knifes
-Beretta 92R (Single and Dual)
-Desert Eagle Dragon (Single and Dual)
-Colt Python (Single and Dual)
-UZI (Single and Dual)
-Pump-Action Shotgun
-Sainga Authomatic Shotgun
-AK 47 with shotgun attachment
-M4 A3 with grenade launcher attachment
-Barrett M82
-Knife death
-Shooting beretta
-Shooting beretta dual
-Shooting pump shotgun
-Reload pistol
-Reload pumpshotgun
-Reload AK 47
-Punish system animations
-Burning death animations
-Dead Face animation
-Damage sub animation
-New ballistics
-New Bullet Time
-New Menu
-New HUD
-Punish system
-New weapon characteristics
-New AI-Characteristics
-New Ragdolls
-New Decals
-New Particles
-Damage textureanimations
-New camera position
-Every weapon have a secondary shooting mode
-Reworked some cutscenes
-Bullet Time only for enemy kills
-No painkillers,health regenerate
-Player health much lower
-On player shooting camera shakes
-In bullet time enemyes freeze
-Bullet Time now only 6,5 seconds
-And lot of more things
3) Credits
Nicklz-Leader,sound replacing,models concept
Napster-Rigger,consultations,ideas,blue muzzlefalsh particle
Evolvercobra-help with HEX-editing,Russian model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Andersen-Bikers models (reworked by AntiEvil)
The Silver-Particles,Barrett M82 model,some content from payne effects 2
Slayer_Blood-Saiga model
Badboy_Zay-punisher in shirt model (rerigged by AntiEvil)
Avatarg-Crysis soldier model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Canada_Dry- some weapons from his weapons pack
ZzGERTzZ-reload and shoot pumpshotgun anims
LAZER-Bull's Eye tricks animation
And all if I forgot someone
we dont know who make this,and we crediting mods there,thanks to creators of it.
Cinema 2.0 beta-particles
Stranglehold mod-Yakuza bosses models
Stranglehold 2-chow model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Constantine 1.5-ump45 model (reworked by AntiEvil)
-Colt Python model
-UZI model
-Pump-action shotgun model
-M4 A3 model
-m60 model
-knife model
-some skins (don't remember)
---------------------------thanks to guys who do it-------------
4) Special Thanks
-to all modders
-to Remedy
-to l4y
-to ModDB
-to all who i forgot
2) Features
3) Credits
4) Special Thanks
1) Some words from developers
The Punisher-WarZone mod ,it's a mix of Punisher-WarZone movie,THQ video-game and own ideas.
If you want some content-dont forget crediting,if you still rip other mods without crediting,then Punisher come to you.
Have Fun and remember it's only beta.
2) Features
The Punisher Theme (The Punisher OST)
DjEvs - Punisher Theme Remix (The Punisher Warzone Mod OST)
Bar Theme (The Punisher OST)
This Was No Boating Accident (The Punisher OST)
Grand Nixon Island (The Punisher OST)
I'm Gonna Hit Them Both (The Punisher OST)
Last Call (The Punisher OST)
Run And Run (The Punisher OST)
Castle's Apartment (The Punisher OST)
Castle's Apartment 2 (The Punisher OST)
Apartments of Black Widow (The Punisher OST)
Slipknot - Psychosocial (The Punisher-Warzone movie OST)
-Punisher in shirt
-Punisher wounded
-Punisher in black
-Punisher in Coat
-Punisher in jungle suit
-Punisher WarZone
-Punisher Warzone wuthout armor
-Punisher no Skull
-Frank Castle
-Frank Castle Vietnam
-Black Widow (3 skins)
-Bull's Eye
-Yakuzas (5 models,every model have 7 skins)
-Yakuza Bikers (3 models,every model have 7 skins)
-Yakuza bosses (3 skins)
-Commando (3 skins)
-Commando bosses (2 skins)
-Mercenaries (4 models)
-Gnuichi (5 models)
-S.W.A.T. (3 models)
-Gothgirls (2 models)
-Throwing knifes
-Beretta 92R (Single and Dual)
-Desert Eagle Dragon (Single and Dual)
-Colt Python (Single and Dual)
-UZI (Single and Dual)
-Pump-Action Shotgun
-Sainga Authomatic Shotgun
-AK 47 with shotgun attachment
-M4 A3 with grenade launcher attachment
-Barrett M82
-Knife death
-Shooting beretta
-Shooting beretta dual
-Shooting pump shotgun
-Reload pistol
-Reload pumpshotgun
-Reload AK 47
-Punish system animations
-Burning death animations
-Dead Face animation
-Damage sub animation
-New ballistics
-New Bullet Time
-New Menu
-New HUD
-Punish system
-New weapon characteristics
-New AI-Characteristics
-New Ragdolls
-New Decals
-New Particles
-Damage textureanimations
-New camera position
-Every weapon have a secondary shooting mode
-Reworked some cutscenes
-Bullet Time only for enemy kills
-No painkillers,health regenerate
-Player health much lower
-On player shooting camera shakes
-In bullet time enemyes freeze
-Bullet Time now only 6,5 seconds
-And lot of more things
3) Credits
Nicklz-Leader,sound replacing,models concept
Napster-Rigger,consultations,ideas,blue muzzlefalsh particle
Evolvercobra-help with HEX-editing,Russian model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Andersen-Bikers models (reworked by AntiEvil)
The Silver-Particles,Barrett M82 model,some content from payne effects 2
Slayer_Blood-Saiga model
Badboy_Zay-punisher in shirt model (rerigged by AntiEvil)
Avatarg-Crysis soldier model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Canada_Dry- some weapons from his weapons pack
ZzGERTzZ-reload and shoot pumpshotgun anims
LAZER-Bull's Eye tricks animation
And all if I forgot someone
we dont know who make this,and we crediting mods there,thanks to creators of it.
Cinema 2.0 beta-particles
Stranglehold mod-Yakuza bosses models
Stranglehold 2-chow model (reworked by AntiEvil)
Constantine 1.5-ump45 model (reworked by AntiEvil)
-Colt Python model
-UZI model
-Pump-action shotgun model
-M4 A3 model
-m60 model
-knife model
-some skins (don't remember)
---------------------------thanks to guys who do it-------------
4) Special Thanks
-to all modders
-to Remedy
-to l4y
-to ModDB
-to all who i forgot
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